The Maldives Policy Advocacy Caucus (MPAC)

Advocating for a better life

About Us

A think tank of individuals interested in working towards supporting national development through research into and analysis of existing, new and potential policies thereby contributing to making all aspects of life progressively better for every citizen of the Maldives - guided by key principles.

We are under the umbrella of the International Center for Environment, Development and Operational Research (ENDEVOR), a civil service organization based in Malé.

Founded on Friday, 1 January 2021.

Our Objectives

To advocate national policies to make all aspects of lives progressively better for every citizen of the nation.

Analysing public policies.

Analysing existing, new and potential public policies

Conducting research and studies on areas of public interest and public policy and disseminating them

Organising public discourse on issues of public interest

Engaging and collaborating with national and international academic and research institutions

Government and state institutions (GSIs), Private sector organisations (PSOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs)